Tap and Barrel Restaurant

Bid Spec / HVAC / Plumbing
Project description
Nestled in the iconic Granville Island neighbourhood is the newest addition to the Tap and Barrel portfolio. LPI was contracted to provide complete plumbing and HVAC for the restaurant formerly known as Bridges.
Scope of work
We completely remodeled the interior of the waterfront building, leaving the exterior heritage structure in place. We installed new water distribution pipes, gas lines, and ductwork based on the new restaurant layout. We also installed plumbing for two commercial kitchens, two full bars, and three washroom groups.
During the installation of exterior patio heaters, we were careful to maintain the integrity of the historic wood beams. We added new rooftop units and VRF split systems to provide heating and cooling to the interior of the building.
Project Details
- Project Location: Vancouver, BC
- Project Type: Commercial